– My friends are my family and my family are my friends
– Prize possession: my diner’s card to the local Mexican Restaurant
– Ready to be the sidekick to any concert
– Fresh Air…ahhhhh
So they say, variety is the spice of life. I channel my formal photography
education at BU, with my real world experiences to harness my creative juices. I am constantly seeking out unique inspiration in the everyday world. I carry this theory not only through the metaphor but also through the actual experience itself. I’m not the girl who orders the entrée; I’m the one who samples all seven appetizers. Everyday I get to sample a glimpse of someone’s life. I observe and freeze time with a click of my shutter!
I have had the luxury of traveling all around the world but my roots have always been in little Rhody. I love to see life through the viewfinder. I don’t feel that I found this profession, it found me. I get to enjoy the variety that life has to offer but still stay close enough to continue to snap quirky photos of my family.
….When I am not behind the lens , I am behind the screen mastering the modern techniques of photography…. Some may say I have an intimate relationship with Photoshop. Cannon and Adobe fill my career variety. My family, my friends, my boyfriends, my sitcoms (not necessarily in that order) fill my personal spice for life.
P.S. I believe every Monday should be St Paddy’s day